This particular fly is dear to our hearts. The international 'One Sky, One World Fly For Peace'. Held on the 2nd Sunday of October every year. The idea is that kiters from around the globe all fly at least one kite in their area on that day so that the world is truly united, with our 'one sky' being filled with colour and spectacle.
More information can be found at the following link for the One Sky, One World website. Use the back button on your browser to return to this page.
Frank O'Neil and Doug Rounding get set up. |
The Compound Cody hoists the Canadian and American Flags. |
Doug tames a wild Butterfly. |
Frogs.....flying frigging frogs.....What next? |
Heh, heh, heh, I'm coming for you! Ribbit! |
Swing low sweet frog of mine! |
Larry flies his daughter's Frog NPW9b, known as "Frogmella".
Ron Rounding launches his Solaris. |
Todd Israels doing some power kiting. |
Uh oh. The deadly kite eating tree.....again! |
Adrian Conn's parafoil, reworked by Larry and Karen Green. |
Larry is ready to launch the Cody. |
The Cody in flight.....a work of art. |
Frank O'Neil's Rok stack. |
My variation of Ed Hummel's 4 foot Bol. |
A Conn kite and Ron's Solaris share the sky. |