Adrian Conn's Night Fly 2004

For several years Adrian Conn hosted a night fly close to his home in Windsor, Ontario. His flying field was taken away by construction, so this year the Essex Kite Flyers resurrected the night fly for Adrian. Winds were light, variable and challenging and our usual flying field was reduced to half its normal size due to a major baseball competition on the adjoining diamonds. We did manage to get some 'light carrying' kites into the air after dark but up to this point I have no decent photos :-(

If you have any good night shots could you please send them to me for inclusion, thanks.

The fly is always very 'informal' and everyone brings food for a huge 'pot-luck' supper between the afternoon fly and the evening fly. A great time was had by all and it was great to see the 'Night Fly' as part of our regular calendar of events.

We arrived on the field to find Adrian flying his Pterodactyl. This kite is more than 20 years old and this was its first flight in almost 20 years. It was still impressive even though it was being fussy about the light winds.

One of the two 'Windjammer' stacks of Dyna Kites. Impressive as always..........thanks for bringing them guys!

Alex Green discovers an early birthday present hiding in Dad's kite bag!

The proud owner of a new HQ dual line sport kite. She had been bugging for one of her own for months so I guess this means she will leave Dad's kites alone now!

The birthday girl assembles her kite for the first time under the watchful eye of Dad.

Sam Ritter flew his amazing award winning Rok. The construction details on this kite are superb!

By late afternoon it was time to attack the food. Adrian Conn starts his rounds of the tables with Ann Ritter and friends.

Larry Green got roped in as 'Furter-Meister' and a steady steam of 'heavenly' franks were soon rolling off the BBQ (literally in a couple of cases but hey the dog had to eat too!)

Adrian and Sam enjoy each others company while Big Sam refuels!

Now is Carl 'Gumby' Anderson just topping off his wiener or is he secretly adding relish to his fingers so that the fighter line slides more easily .........hmmm.........secrets from the 'Master!'

Dick and Kathy Armstrong tuck into great looking deserts.

Boy, Adrian got everywhere during supper! Here he is sharing time with the 'Windjammers' and family.

After supper was over the winds picked up a bit and it was back to flying again.

Rick Longhurst and Bill Peart had a fun game of 'touch tag' with a couple of large Roks in the light winds. It was not really a battle as both fliers were lying flat on their backs at the time.....too much food at supper time I think!

Carl 'Gumby' Anderson shows he can fly large single liners as well as fighters!

Bill Peart and Sam Ritter fly a pair of Revs in the light winds.
Sam then decided to try something new. Here he is flying two Revs at the same time, one in each hand! They are different sizes too! He even managed to fly a short routine with them.......way to go Sam!!

Adrian Conn and Ann Ritter enjoy the view.

Just before dusk Sam Ritter put up a pair of huge, matching, Airforms with 100 foot tails. They looked spectacular as the sun was going down and luckily Karen Green was able to grab this shot of the kites silhouetted against the sunset..........a wonderful 'AoxomoxA' moment'.

A few minutes after this shot was taken the winds dropped again and the tails floated gracefully downward.........right into the middle of the baseball diamond with a game in progress..........OOPPPSSS!!!! But if they insist on playing silly ball games on OUR flying field what can they expect!

Once the sun went down out came the kite lights but unfortunately we don't seem to have any decent night shots to show you. Hopefully next year we will be able to get some (note to year take the tripod for the night shots!)